martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

Poker game

During the olympic games the president of Georgia, little balcanic country close to western europe, started a kind of dominating war under its little state, South Ossetia. Relating to this period the information was strange, in that moment the EU condened this act using the human rights and condenmed the power of Russia to submit their soldier to war. Russia argued against the UE and states, arguing that they dont have the justification to interfere in Asiatic conflict and in this time noone could understand whats hell s going on. I tried to know the full trick and It was impossible to me. Why, a little country, the arianic in situ, were fighting so hard during one period of peace? Today a spanish newspaper says that the guilt was the georgian president, and using words like dictator, destroyed his influence in the wetern world... But whats about Russia? South Ossetia, takes part of the first countries in the world where the whites were born, this things as using the orkut to say your race(branco.caucásico). Thei represent the beginning, the piedra filosofal...All genetic studies of race started in theses little balcanic countries, because during more than 2000 years they never interchanged genetic characteristics... Some are former of the asiatic groups, and because of that are nowadays islamics and others are sibling to westerns countries like France or England, whats explains the continental migrations through countries or regions.... Some like the basks were thougth to be direct balcanic origen that diseappeared in the caucasus, noone knows exaclty as well. But the question is more cloudy and obscure, there are more shadows than sunrise and someone with a big brother power doesnt want to tell the truth about whats is really in....and noone says nothing ...its a poker game

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